Publication of CIRIA’s new book on wellbeing in construction

Authored by Square Gain and focused on wellbeing on construction sites
We are pleased to announce the publication of CIRIA’s new book focused on the business case for developing wellbeing at site level, authored by Square Gain Director Greg Chant-Hall, and Associate, Sam Hall.
The economic case is clear and includes benefits such as better performing staff, fewer sick days taken and a lower staff turnover. Many companies can demonstrate the link between improved wellbeing, reduced costs and better financial performance. Poor mental health alone is estimated to cost the UK economy between £70 - £100 billion a year.
The main body of the guide focuses on the component areas of mind, body, culture and physical environment to identify how to improve performance in all of them. The guide also includes a baseline tool that can be used to plan actions and track performance, together with and a series of awareness-raising slides to help communicate the strategy to the target audiences.
Taken together these elements of the guide will enable construction companies or sites to develop a comprehensive wellbeing strategy and improve their performance.
The guide can be purchased from CIRIA here